Sunday, March 27, 2011

Brown Takes on Board of Education

Question: What is the relationship between the historical issues you see in the website on Brown vs. Board of Education and the contemporary issues of race that Bob Herbert and Tim Wise raise here?

        The website informs viewers of the events that took place from 1954 to today. It has all been a battle to change the way the "law of the land" affected blacks. Americans of color were condemned to second-class citizenship in the 1900's even though the end of the Civil War was suppose to bring racial equality. The website informs us that they rose to "dismantle constitutionally- sanctioned segregation." The exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History was only open for one year because of the 50th anniversary of the major turing point in history.
        Tim Wise discusses the bias in school regarding racism in schools. He feels that if we work equally hard then you should have the same opportunities. A quote from him about this is if we are " a truly equal society then we should have a truly equal society." The second video clip discussed civil rights, and voting. He kept saying that the whites are in denial. He backed this up with the fact 2/3 of whites said more blacks want to live off of welfare but only 1 out of 7 African Americans in the country received any kind of public assistance.
        Bob Herbert discusses the topic of children growing up in a poor community and how this affects how they do in school. The best teachers try to avoid these areas. The students are already behind because they do not have much assistance at home and now they are stuck with teachers who are not as qualified as they should be. His argument was that if a poor student is taken and placed in an environment with people in the middle class they tend to begin to do better in school. But depending on their race there may be racial and ethnic integration.
     In Brown v. Board of Education, a final statement was "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." The website, video and article all focus on an issue that has been affecting society for a very long time. There have been several attempts to gain equality for all no matter what race or ethnicity. Some have been successful and some have failed. Although the issues in the historical article are not as intense and terrible as they are today. I feel that teachers all need to be educated in the same way and not be afraid to take a risk and go into a poor community and make a difference.  The students are already struggling and need help and positive guidance.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In The Service of What? by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer

hyperlink: Discuss the issues the author raises in the text in relation to real world concerns by creating links to articles, videos, and other websites that illuminate the issues at hand. discuss both the text and the hyperlink in detail to fully explain the connections.

In the text "In the Service of What?" the authors discuss students activities throughout the community. They feel that there needs to be more work done in grades k-12 with the students. One 12th grade student worked with "crack" babies, helping in the home for them. Another student worked in a hospital doing errands and helping patients find their rooms. A third student made and gave out survival kits for the homeless. These are all good example of students working throughout the community. The teachers feel "the students interact with those less fortunate than themselves and would experience the excitement and joy of learning while using the community as a classroom." Another classroom, 7th graders, worked together and listened to guest speakers about homeless groups and together they came up with solutions to the amount of homeless. they looked at social, economical, legal and political aspects. this group did fundraisers to raise money for them. These are things all students should be working on. I feel it is a good life lesson and experience to work with less fortunate and get a feel for how the government decides and takes care of these situations. This video from YouTube is a group called Saint Vincent DePaul they are a catholic group that works to help the homeless. thousands of students in the U.S. volunteer to assist these people.

This is talking about catholic school students but they are not the only ones helping out. these children learn valuable lessons at a young age that will stay with them throughout the rest of their lives. This article proves students are reaching out and enjoying it. this provides "authentic learning experiences" and teach the students discipline because they are committed to a group.Service learning does not have to just be in the open community, it can be  in a classroom. one grade going into an other grades classrooms to help them learn to read or write. overall student service learning is a positive event that schools should continue to do.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Beastly Video Clip

This is the movie Beastly I was talking about in class. This film is a twist off of Beauty and The Beast. It is a very modernized form of the popularly known Disney film. The main character, Kyle was an attractive rich young boy but had little respect for anyone. A curse was put on him and this is when he becomes beastly looking. In order for his looks and life to return to normal he must find someone who is willing to love him fully despite his looks. This looks like it will be a good movie!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Films with Hidden Messages

Argument: Describe the authors argument in a short statement, follow it with a paragraph explaining that argument in your own words. The argument is not a summary of ideas but an explaination of the authors worst significant contribution or idea. what is his/her main point here.

This author, Linda Christensen, argues that cartoon shows we watch while growing up are filled with hidden messages or as she says "secret education." I feel that this is true, and I also agree with her statement that most people do not catch these messages or think to look or them until they are told about them. Christensen argues that once people find out about the hidden messages they feel differently about the shows and will not watch them anymore nor will they let their children view the shows. This is not always true because I was told about the hidden messages and at first my response was "noooo don't tell me you'll ruin it for me!" But it actually did not take anything away from me because the films deal with real life issues. Why sugar coat  it, there are issues dealing with race that still exist. I was told by a friend that my favorite movie, Finding Nemo, is a movie which makes fun of people with special needs. Nemo's gimpy find, Dory's short term memory loss, Deb and "Aunt Flow", the fish that is obsessed with bubbles. Although these are not good ways to address situations it does open everyone's eyes to these issues. I can still enjoy Disney movies and will let my children watch them. This might sound bad but I personally do not discriminate and are mature enough to treat everyone equally and i plan on working with special needs children so I will be making it clear to everyone that they are no different than anyone else.